It's been quite busy round here but I managed to finish some stuff.
Pattern: Honeycomb
Yarn: St. George's Extra 20
Needles: 3.5 mm
Odličan model prsluka, krojen u struku i vrlo dobro stoji čak i ako ne nosite veličinu XS. Mustra dosadi posle nekog vremena ali vredi izdržati. Zaista se tegli, kao što i piše u uputstvima, pa ga svakako napravite jedno 10 cm užim.
A great pattern for a vest, with some waist shaping, very flattering even if you are not size XS. It does get a bit tedious after a while but it's worth enduring. It does stretch so do make it about 10 cm narrower, as suggested in the instructions.
Pattern: Plain and Simple Pullover
Yarn: Phildar Preface
Needles: 2.5 mm
Bojala sam se da će, s obzirom na to da se radi iglama 2,5, ovo trajati čitavu večnost. Međutim, kad se danas setim (završila sam ga negde u martu), uopšte mi se ne čini da je dugo trajalo i rado bih ga ponovo štrikala. Prilično je zahvalno za plesti pošto samo do rukava treba uraditi 40 cm ravnim žersej bodom u krug (sve očice plesti pravo) na iglama 2,5 pa se može mnogo filmova/televizijskih emisija pogledati ili audio knjiga preslušati. Vrlo sam zadovoljna vunicom jer se rad posle pranja jako fino izravnao - čak sam dobila komplimente da izgleda kao da je mašinski pleten.
On 2.5 mm needles I was afraid it was going to take ages. But now, in retrospect (I finished it back in March), I don't have a recollection of it taking too long and I'd do it again any time. Quite rewarding knitting, both as a process, as you actually need to knit 40 cm of stockinette in the round on 2.5 needles - that makes for quite a lot of TV/movie/audio book listening time, but also rewarding as a result. Very pleased with the how the yarn 'bloomed' in the washing, evening out any loose stitches and producing a very smooth and uniform fabric.
Pattern: Drops' Jacket with double seed stich on yoke
Yarn: St. George's Cotton Cable
Needles: 3.5 and 4 mm
Džemper na kopčanje s podignutim strukom (ako ovo nije dobar termin, prosvetlite me) sa Dropsovog sajta, ispleten pamučnim koncem. Kroj je veoma dobar ali mi se ne dopada baš spoj rižinog boda (kojim je rađen gornji deo leđa i pređica) sa glatkim bodom rukava. Osim toga, toplo preporučujem.
An empire-waist (thanks, costumatty, for teaching me the term) cardigan by Drops, knit in cotton. It has a very good shape but I'm not pleased with the transition between the seed stitch of the front and back panels and the sleeves. Other than that, highly recommended.