18 May 2010

Noć muzeja / Night of Museums

For this year's Night of Museums (also known as the Long Night of Museums) we found ourselves in Zrenjanin, where there were not as many events as in Novi Sad or Belgrade (or elsewhere in Europe, for that matter) but nevertheless, we enjoyed it a lot. What I like about the Night of Museums is the festive atmosphere, which, it is true, does not exactly contribute to one's ability to appreciate works of art at leasure, in peace and quiet generally found in museums in galleries, but it does stir some artistic activity in sleepy little towns such as Zrenjanin. And it draws people out. To see so many people go out in the cold and wind and driving rain just to go to the exhibitions was really good. Yes, many of them raced through the exhibitions as if only to put a tick on their list, without paying too much attention to the exhibits themselves, but these people would have never visited these places had it not been for the Night of Museums. Let's hope that at least some beauty brushed against them in the process.

We had two little kids with us so the choice of venues was limited. Among these, Zlatinka Kovačev's wool dolls were a definite highlight for me:

There were many more dolls, most of them mythological creatures, but it was crowded and we couldn't get decent photos. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find a page I could link to or any relevant information about the author.


  1. Ove lutke izgledaju baš luckasto, sigurna sam da je deci bilo zanimljivo! A i tetka bi mogla nešto slično da im napravi:)!

  2. ajme, ovo je divno! sigurno je bio pravi užitak gledati ih uživo!

  3. Ja sam odusevljena od lutke. Bravo za autor

  4. Zanimljive lutke!

    Noć muzeja sam propustila ove godine, nešto radi umora, nešto radi kiše, a pravo da ti kažem, baš me i ne zanimaju ti noćni obilasci. Uvijek više volim kada tokom dana naprave nešto posebno, recimo za 1.maj ulaz u sve muzeje je bio jedan euro ili kada bude tjedan kulture, pa cijeli tjedan imaš besplatan ulaz. No, razumijem da i muzeji nastoje nekako osuvremeniti ponudu, privući publiku, bilo bi dobro da povremeno organiziraju i dnevna događanja i radionice.

  5. Zanimljive lutke. Baš me zanima koliko truda i talenta treba da se nešto takvo napravi.

  6. Definitivno ok s muzejima, ali priklanjam se komentaru Romantales, naime i ja sam zato, preko dana i svakako i praznicima, a ne da i kao domaćin ili kao gost uvijek tresnem i poljubim vrata.
    Ali patuljci su zaista cook, definitivno podržavam filcanje i sve od prirodnih materijala.

  7. That looks like a great museum, cool dolls!
