14 June 2010

Razglednica iz Liona / A postcard from Lyon

Prošle nedelje sam bila u Lionu - poslom doduše, ali s mnogo turističkog razgledanja (i vrlo malo štrikanja).
I spent most of last week in Lyon, on business but doing a lot of sightseeing (and very little knitting).

Bazilika Notr Dam de Fovije, posvećena Bogorodici, za koju se veruje da je u 17. veku spasila Lion od kuge.
Basilica Notre-Dame de
Fourvière, dedicated to Virgin Mary, who is believed to have saved Lyon from plague in the 17th century.

Bazilika se nalazi na brdu Fovije, s kojeg se može spustiti uspinjačom ili stazom koja vas prvo vodi kroz vrt ruža ili vrt hortenzija (po izboru),
The basilica is situated on the
Fourvière hill, from which you can come down either by the funicular, or you can take a downhill walk through either a rose garden or a hydrangea garden (your choice),

a potom kroz predivne strme uličice.
and then down these beautiful steep little streets.

Grad leži na dve reke, Roni i Soni, pa ima čak 4 obale. Evo detalja sa jednog od kejova, sa neobičnom vodenom instalacijom (u nedostatku bolje reči).
The city of Lyon lies on two rivers, the Rhône and the Saône, so it has as many as 4 river banks. Here's a detail from one of the quays, with an unusual water feature.

A ovo je fontana Bartoldi, s konjima kojima iz nozdrva izlazi vodena para, a koju je izvajao Frederik-Avgust Bartoldi, isti onaj koji je napravio i Kip slobode (što sam saznala tek nakon što sam se vratila kući).
This is another water feature, la Fontaine Bartholdi, with steam-breathing horses, sculpted by Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi, the same guy who designed the Statue of Liberty (which is something I learned only after I got home).

I za kraj ovog kratkog putopisa, jedan primer kako se lepo može spojiti tradicionalna i moderna arhitektura - nadstrešnica iznad ulaza u metro.
And at the end of this short travelogue, an example of how traditional and modern architecture can be combined with success - a roof above the entrance into the metro.