I might have created an impression that I was going to post more regularly now. Well, I was planning to. I really was, but somehow, as you've read so many times elsewhere, life has a habit of getting in the way. Fortunately, though, it didn't get in the way of some fingerless gloves, which, as I'm told, are a going to be a big hit this winter.
I never thought taking photographs of your own hands was so difficult! No matter what contortionists' moves I tried, I just couldn't get the right angle. That's why I'm using a friend as a model. While we were sitting in a cafe one lovely October morning, drinking hot chocolate, basking in the sun and talking about a pair of mittens she'd asked me to knit for her, a cunning plan formed in my scheming knitter's mind. I showed her my gloves and, sure enough, as I'd expected, she put them on! And then, all I had to do is quickly press the camera button. Thank you, Vesna, you are a fantastic glove model!
I actually made two pairs of these, one for myself (shown in the photo) and one for another friend's birthday but with a shorter cuff. The pattern is Leafy Fingerless Gloves by Laura Peveler, well written and easy to follow, with a clever transition from the leaf stitch section to the fingers. I used Majšperk's Carmen for this, which is a sport weight yarn, but on 2mm needles, to get a close-knit effect and make them warm (and to obtain the right gauge too). Gloves and mittens are usually knit on needles that are smaller than those you would normally use with a given yarn, for exactly these reasons. You don't want a loosely knit, see-through glove that even the gentlest of breeezes can penetrate.
What I love best about them is the textured surface of the leaf stitch pattern, how the leaves and the branches are raised above the garter stitch background. The version with a shorter cuff gives a decent length too so don't be tempted to go for the longer cuff unless you want them really long (and difficult to put on under a coat and over a wrist watch).
Next time, you'll see the mittens I made for Vesna, partly because she so willingly fell for my dirty trick :)
Jako lijepo izgledaju, ujedno, dala si jako koristan i pametan savjet - onaj o iglama. Tko ne voli plesti na tankim iglama, bolje neka se ne prihvaća pletenja rukavica, IMHO. OK, znam da svatko ima pravo na svoj ukus, ali meni rukavice moraju biti pletene na tankim iglama, bez obzira što ovdje nema "prstiju", jednostavno toliko elegantnije djeluju da nema diskusije. Nije li bolje uzeti neku kvalitetnu vunu koja će te grijati iako tanka i pletena odgovarajuće tankim iglama, nego neku debelu vunu u kojoj će ti ruke djelovati kao obučene u skijaške rukavice?
ReplyDeleteThey're gorgeous! And I hadn't known about this pattern at all, I put it straight into my queue now (and it's free, too, I couldn't believe it)! It's nice to see you posting :)
ReplyDeleteBas su lijepe! Vrlo uredno ispletene, a posebno mi se svidja ovaj uzorak listova i kako si uradila otvore za prste.
ReplyDeleteI onda jos u boji koja me trenutno potpuno opsjeda. :-)
Mnogo mi se dopadaju!
ReplyDeleteWow,konacno novi post!Bas su super,mada ja nikad ne bih nosila takve zimi.Meni se uvek prsti ukoce od hladnoce.Kao modni detalj,rukavice bez prstiju su extra,ali ne greju!
ReplyDeleteOdlicno :) Bas je lepa zelana vunica koju si odabrala... :)
ReplyDeleteThese are so beautiful - and as I'm finding this fall, there is nothing prettier over a pair of boring black gloves than a special pair of handwarmers :^)
ReplyDeleteDiiiiiiiivne su! Jako mi se dopadaju! :)
ReplyDelete@ Roman Tales: Slažem se ali samo donekle. Naravno, tanka vuna i tanke igle ti daju mogućnost da mnogo toga uradiš na malo prostora, bilo po pitanju šare ili mustre. Ali ima i debelih rukavica koje su mi prelepe, npr. Instant Mittens (Mary Jane Mucklestone) ili Give a Hoot (Jocelyn Tunney).
ReplyDelete@ fridica: Thanx! Glad you like them :)))
@ Handstrick Flair: Hvala! :) Uputstva su vrlo dobra, uopšte nisam imala problema s prstima i stvarno je vrlo uredno ispalo.
@ bensedin art: Baš mi je drago, ali znam da bi ti se još više dopadale da su u nekoj življoj boji :)
@ Višnja: Tu si potpuno u pravu, prsti se smrznu. Ali imaju i jednu prednost u odnosu na one kod kojih su celi prsti pokriveni, a to je da možeš da koristiš prste za neke finije zadatke, kao npr. kucanje poruke, vađenje novca iz novčaknika i sl.
@ Drangulije: Hvala! :) Zapravo je zelena boja omiljena boja drugarice kojoj sam naštrikala prvi par, a pošto je ostalo vune, onda sam se i ja ogrebala :)
@ Mary Keenan: Thanks! :) Here it's still not too cold so I can still wear them. Actually, it's been too hot even for fingerless gloves. But that's a super idea about wearing handwarmers over your gloves! I see a lot of hand warmers in my future!
@ milanarukotvorine: Hehehe, postavile smo komentar u istom minutu :) Hvala!
ReplyDeleteOve spomenute "rukavice" meni ne spadaju u kategoriju rukavica, već više u kategoriju grijača ruku :-) nemaju prste, osim palca i vidim ih uglavnom na dječjim rukama. U engeskom jeziku postoji razlika u mittens and gloves, kod nas sve ide u kategoriju rukavica, a razlika nebo i zemlja ... baš kao i rukavice (one s prstima) od debele ili tanke vune ;-)
ReplyDeleteI didn't know about this pattern. Your handwarmers look really great. I have added it to my library and will definitely knit a pair.
ReplyDeleteJa ovo nista ne razumem.... :)
ReplyDeleteAli da su lepe-lepe su! Mada svi vec znaju da se meni najvise mrznu prsti, pa ovako nesto nemam smisla nositi.
A i mnogo mi se svidja dzemper-vesta na modelu !!
Prekrasne su! Bravo! I meni se svidja da su listici "iznad" rukavice. Kao da su sasiveni na ove mittens.
ReplyDeleteI ja mislim isto kao i magrit.Ona vesta iza je prelsatka!!!
ONesvjest! Kako dobro izgledaju!
ReplyDeleteJa inače obožavam handwarmerse bez prstiju, jer sam lijena plest prste, a živim u mediteranskoj klimi di su ovakve sasvim dovoljne.
Vidila sam ovaj pattern ranije, ali sam nekako zaključila da je sigurno kompliciran, sad se mislim da ipak probam :)
@ Roman Tales: Ja volim i te debele bez prstiju :) a želja mi je da napravim one što imaju niti izvučene prema unutra (thrumming) iako zime nisu više onako hladne kao nekad.
ReplyDelete@ Where the nodding violets grow: Oh, do, by all means! They're great!
@ magrit: Draga, šta ne razumeš? I meni se mrznu prsti, al' još nije tako hladno :))) Ovo je za čuveni "prelazni period" koji smo, začudo, ove godine imali.
@ drenka: Hvala i u moje i u Vesnino ime :)
@ tena: Nije uopšte komplikovan, slobodno ga probaj! A ako bude negde zapelo, tu sam :)
Well, you might have given that impression, but that is intirely up to you if you complete :-) Your handwarmers a BEAUTIFUL, and yes, it is very difficult to shoot your own hands :-) Nicely done with the model :-)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful! These gloves are just beautiful. And I like the story too, and references to hot chocolate just made me happy...