13 May 2011


OK, maybe 'epiphany' is too strong a word but you know that moment of clarity when, after years of looking at an object, you suddenly realize its true nature. In a flash you see that the answer to your problems has been in front of you all the time without your knowing it. This is what happened to me two days ago when I looked at the plastic tube in which my husband keeps his angling floats. He's had it for years and years and I must have seen it hundreds of times. And then two days ago, it spoke to me and its true purpose was revealed!

I mean, just look at it! I know that you know what it's actually made for! :)

The depth is adjustable so it can accommodate everything from 40 to 70 cm (that's 16 to 28 inches) in length. Perfect, isn't it?

And that's how an unruly, disgraceful sheaf of knitting needles got a pretty neat box :)


  1. Yes! Exactly. But it may come as a surprise to the agling floats that they suddenly have to look for a new place to be stored :)

  2. @ Liu: lol! Exactly! But the floats got to keep their box :) The needles got a new one because (and I hope my husband is not reading this ;) ) I've got more needles than he has floats so I needed a larger tube ;)

  3. Bolje ikad nego nikad:)
    Kanda ću sada morati da zalazim i u prodavnice ribolovačke opreme:)

  4. Ooooh and the length is adjustable! Awesomeness!

  5. Moracu i ja da nabavim neku! Djeluje kao pravljeno za igle a ne za ribolovacki pribor ;)

  6. Savršena ideja :) već vidim svjećicu iznad glave :)

  7. moje igle su u jednoj takvoj posudi, ostala od neke dečije zanimacije, ali joj je mana što je kratka.
    tvoja je zato mnogo bolje rešenja :D svaka čast na pronalasku :D

  8. Truly a great storage idea. Too bad my husband's not into fishing. ;-)

  9. Nemam tvojih problema, nemam niti jednog para dugačkih igala, ali ideja je jako dobra, pogotovo ako futrola nije jako skupa kao što ribička oprema zna biti.
    Moram priznati da sam lagano iznenađena činjenicom kako malo igala imaš ... ili ima njih još, a ovesu samo za slikanje?

  10. @ bensedin art: Ne moraš, imaš mene :)
    @ fridica: :)
    @ O.: to sam i ja rekla!
    @ mmirandam: hehehe :)
    @ Škrabalica: ovo je jako zgodno jer se može i zatvoriti pa je lako i za transport
    @ Siga: Yes, but you can be ;)
    @ Roman Tales: Hehehe, provalila si me :) Ovo su samo dugačke igle. Ostale su kružne ili pak kompleti od 5 komada :)

  11. Bas zgodno da se ovo moze pomerati u duzini.
    Jos sad smao nadji tamo u pribor nesto i za kruzne igle i bice savresno ;)

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