29 March 2011

Needle felting

After the epic disaster last year, felting has been a no-go area for me. And understandably so, considering the miserable result of the aforementioned disaster! I reconciled myself to the fact that it was not my craft and that it would stay out of bounds forever. But then, some time ago, I could hear a little worm gnawing away my determination. Silently, gradually, out of nowhere, a thought was forming: how about needle felting? I mean, it's still felting but it's a completely different technique. And it involves needles. And I'm good with needles.... And then the right project came along - a plain, k3xp3 ribbed grey scarf for a girl that needed some but not much embellishment.

Now, although this is far from perfect, I daresay it already looks much more promising :)


  1. meni se baš dopada. malo boje za se istakne na tom sivilu :) :-*

  2. Nice! I tried felting too, it was also a disaster.
    I like these delicate flowers a lot :)

  3. jaooo, kako je ovo slatko :)

  4. wonderful!I like it very much :-)

  5. Vec sam na fb rekla da je slatko...ali daj pokazi nam kako izgleda na vrat

  6. Jako, jako, jako lijepo i efektno :))

  7. Jako je lepo! Baš ti zavidim što si savladala tu veštinu, moraću doći kod tebe na časove.

  8. Ja sam oduševljena!!!

  9. Super izgleda, ne bih nikada rekla da ti je to prvi put da needle-feltaš (ajmo se praviti da je to prava riječ ;)

  10. E, ovo je baš super - slatkiš pravi! Dobro si odlučila, da ipak isprobaš novu tehniku. :)

  11. Nadam se da nije jako bolelo!;) Mada ako i jeste, vredelo je! Sjajna ideja i izvedba!

  12. Jooooj!
    Još nešto što ne znam...a tako je lijepo!!!!

  13. Kako je slatko, divna ideja...bravo!!!

  14. Znaš kako kaže Veliki Štrumf - "Sve u svoje vreme Saso" :)), a tvoje vreme za felting iglicom je izgleda baš došlo :))).
