09 April 2011

A post in which one thing goes from good to bad

You remember that mohair scarf for which I had to trawl the whole country in order to find 9 different colours? Well, as it turned out, only about half of each skein was eventually needed so I ended up with 9 tiny feathery wisps of very thin mohair yarn, whose future, after the project was finished, looked bleak at best. They seemed destined to spend the rest of their lives at the bottom of one of those three plastic boxes in which I keep my stash. Nine sad little mohair wisps.

But as I'm trying to destash, they got lucky! (or so it seemed at the time...) The colours I had clearly fell into two categories: pastels and Christmas. So I took the five pastels (upper row) and started knitting a scarf... Yes, I know, I made a vow to cut down on scarves but what else can you knit with 5x8 grams of mohair yarn? As it turned out, you can't even knit this, but when I realized, it was too late, the scarf was already finished. And this is how it looked:

Soft and light like a breeze. I know it's a literary cliche but it really felt like a sea breeze against your skin. Fluffy and feathery and wonderful. True, it came out too short but with a clever knot or with a help of a scarf pin, it could have been worn. Could have been, yes, had I not turned it into this:

A jumbled, clotted mass of felted mohair! You can't even unfold it! What was I thinking? Where was my mind wandering while I was putting it in the washing machine? I'd really like to know because it must have been a wonderful place if it made me forget it's mohair, for goodness' sake! It cannot be machine-washed!

To make matters worse, it was supposed to be a birthday present for a little girl. Now, I know mohair is no yarn for little kids, but her Mum really liked it :) Now I don't have a birthday present either! What a sad ending for 5 little wisps of mohair...


  1. Polako, polako ....
    Nisi nam napisala koji si deterdzent kolistila, jesi li stavala jos nesto, koja temperatura ?
    Inace, ovako nezne stvari ja NIKAD ne perem u masini (nemam moher stvari, ali u masini ne perem npr. najlon carape).

  2. Joj, bas mi je zao, ali te razumem u potpunosti. Bez obzira sto skoro uvek sve pletene stvari perem rucno (sem u retkim trenucima kad sam preumorna i kad iskljucim mozak (ovo drugo je najbitnija stvar u svemu tome)pa se odlucim za masinu), desi mi se da neku od omiljenih stvari isto tako ucebam. :(
    I onda se pitam o cemu sam ja razmisljala kad sam ukljucila tu prokletu masinu :)

  3. Prala si na programu za vunu?

  4. ja sam slušala na radiu Goricu iz Buđenja, pričala je da su joj ufilcani (smanjeni) džemper rastegli u hemijskoj čistionici.

    šteta za šalče, predivno je bilo :(

  5. Jojjj ova zadnja slika mi je strasna za gledanje..a bas sam ga pohvalila na Ravelry...steta :((
    Daj barem ovaj filc iskoristi za nesto drugo, da ga ne bacis, mozda neke privjesci za klucevi ili nesto slicno

  6. Oh, dear me... that's life of mohair.

  7. KOliko god iskustva imali, greške se događaju ... desilo se i meni, od tada ne stavljam ništa u perilicu, čak niti na program za vunu, ali niti ne kupujem vunu predviđenu za pranje u perilici jer se ta prana ručno otegne do neprepoznatljivosti.

  8. Ja sam mogao da Vam nabavim svih 9 boja mohera odjednom ;)
    Pokušajte da očešljate ceo komad i polako oparajte.
