09 July 2010

A present

I've never won anything. OK, I once had a lottery ticket that won enough money to pay a month's rent. But that's all. And it doesn't really count because it was money and it was gone in a second. What I mean is that I've never won anything cherishable, anything that I'd look at and smile every time. And then I entered Fridica's giveaway a few weeks ago and I won! :)))))))))

And it's not just anything, it's a beautiful book with vintage baby patterns, in packaging which Fridica embellished with stickers of babies :) Now, how cute is that?! Thank you very much, you made my day! I keep both the book and the packaging on the living room table so that they cheer me up every time I enter the room :)


  1. Divno sto je stigla. Moraces uskoro da napravis nesto iz nje :)))Za drzanje pakovanja i knjige na stolu, u potpunosti te razumem :)

  2. Cestitam, veselje je ocito veliko! A nama citateljima ce biti isto, kad vidimo radove, koje ces iz te knjige uraditi.
    Imas novi layout bloga - lijepo izgleda, moje cestitke!
    Lijepi pozdrav!

  3. I won some money on a lottery ticket once and it was just enough to buy our Christmas turkey, so I know exactly what you mean. Congratulations on winning the book. I look forward to seeing a project from it in the future.

  4. I'm so happy you are enjoying it! :))))) I can't wait for projects. I was just looking on Ravelry today - it seems that not that many people are knitting patterns from this book, so you can help me in getting the numbers up :)

    p.s. I always utter a "phew" when one of my packages arrives to its destination (I'm still suspicious of the post's capabilities ;). Phew! :)

  5. Sad navali na pletenje!Ne možeš reči da nemaš ideju!
    Pitala si me gdje se mi to subotom nalazimo...
    To je prostor Kluba Zagrebčana.Sreća je htjela da ga subotom mogu dobiti na korištenje pa to ne propuštamo.
    Ekipa je uglavnom stalna mada ima i onih koji povremeno naiđu,neki onda dolaze stalno (to je živa zaraza...),a neke vidiš jednom i nikad više...
    U svakom slučaju dobro se zabavljamo i veselimo se svakome ko dođe k nama!!!
    Tako,ako te put nanese,bit ćeš nam dragi gost!

  6. Picek micek - a sad se baci na baby boom!

  7. Milina jedna, a i podržavam Sandru:)!

  8. You lucky girl, that was a great win! Hope you enjoy summer and have a lot of good weather.
